Web Design Central Coast
Thank you for searching for my landing page for Web Design Central Coast! You’ve already taken the next step to improving your business or organisation.
This webpage may not look like much compared to most digital marketing agencies and web design firms but that’s intentional!
Stay with me here!
You know what a website is and what is can do. Right?
I’ve built this page to rank on Google and talk to you as a business partner. I’m not going to oversell you why you need a website and the things I can do. You already know you need some help and that’s, why you searched for web design services on the Central Coast.
I prefer to speak to the people I work with face to face (Virtually) so I can get an understanding of how I can best help you. I’ve got a broad business strategy background that overlaps with web design and digital strategy.
If you’d like to know more about web design Central Coast in general, feel free to keep reading.
But honestly, the best way for me to offer some value now is to send me an email. Through the form on the contact page. I’ll give you as much advice over the phone as I can.
If I can give you any web design Central Coast pointers over an hour call with me I’m happy to do so. Sometimes I even recommend to Central Coast businesses to contact a more suitable design or seo firm if I feel they’re a better match for you.
If you want to see my background, head over to my LinkedIn Profile and see the types of positions and projects I’ve been involved with.
Being online is not just about web design
Your website design is only one piece of your overall digital strategy. It is very important but nowadays Central Coast businesses must approach their web design as an integral but equal platform to the holistic range of web design services.
Web design services include
- Customer acquisition and business growth
- Web presence and business profile strategies
- Search engine optimisation (SEO)
- Conversion rate optimisation (CRO)
- Manual process optimisation
- Branding and story telling
- Customer onboarding and success
Web design Central Coast with best in class global standards
If you checked out my LinkedIn profile you’ll see I’ve led and participated in digital projects across the world. I’ve built an award-winning website and software system for the Singapore Government, I’ve played a major role in seeing a startup go from 2 employees to 1000 and bringing in 100 million in annual revenue! I’ve also consulted over 100 startups and small businesses on their digital strategy, product marketing, branding and growth. You won’t find another web designer on the Central Coast with this experience in the web design industry.
My web design methodology
Every website is different and must solve real business problems. When you speak to me, I’ll ask the hard questions like ‘Why do you need a website?’ or ‘What is the biggest problem in your business right now?’ as depending on your answers, this will shape how I approach the project. I don’t think of web design Central Coast as a one and done project, I treat my clients as a long term consulting arrangement. This ensures I see the solution through to the outcome you desire and solve the problems you started with.
So many websites look good and rank on Google but gaining an understanding of your deeper business problems get you an ROI that is off the charts. An example of this could be you’re getting hundreds of leads a week and you’re ranking number 1 on Google, your website looks great but your still struggling to grow your business. One possible area to focus on here is actually getting less low-quality leads and targeting high-value customers using a different platform. I work with you on the digital strategy to get you results.
Types of web development techniques
There are hundreds of ways to build your online presence and develop a website. In 2022 many Central Coast businesses operate without a website at all. They utilise Google, Facebook and other social media platforms to build an audience and optimise their communication marketing. Sometimes this can be a more effective and less costly digital marketing approach than designing a website altogether.
Custom web development
Custom web development goes hand in hand with software development. There are so many fantastic and effective web design platforms you can leverage for the majority of websites, that I’d question if you really need a custom web design. If you have complex business tools or customer login with bespoke functionality you may need a web developer to write some custom software. I’ve worked with many startups and complex software applications so if you really need some custom web development, i’d be happy to work with you on it.
WordPress web development
Everyone has heard of WordPress. This website is in fact developed with WordPress. It’s an amazing open-source platform that enables web designers to create customer themes but leverage the powerful out-of-the-box backend and CMS. Over 30% of all websites are built on WordPress! There is a huge number of plugins that enable you to integrate your website into all sorts of tools, services and customise the performance.
Webflow web development
Webflow is the new kid on the block when it comes to web design tools. Webflow is a web app that allows granular editing capabilities of everything to do with the website without editing a single line of code. It creates very clean code that is great for SEO and page speed. I’ve been an avid WordPress user for many years but Webflow is coming to a close contender to overtaking the best web design tool.
Content management systems
I didn’t want to go into all the web design tools and content management systems out there as that would be an extremely long page. But, there are hundreds of CMS platforms and frameworks that can be used to speed up web development. To name a few there is Joomla, Drupal and Contentful to check out. If you need an eCommerce store there are CMSs for that also like Shopify, Wix and Big Commerce.
Frequently asked questions
Do you have web design packages?
No, all my work is custom. I quote based on the time needed to solve your problem. A website can not be packaged up in a box if it is designed to get the business outcomes you desire. Web design packages are a one-and-done attitude to web design Central Coast. Talk to me if you want an over the phone estimate.
If you think less than 10k, you’re better off talking to some of the other web design agencies and marketing agencies on the Central Coast. They can probably better accommodate the smaller web design package projects. Hopefully, in future, you’ll come back get some real results with me. (Sorry if that sounds arrogant, but it’s true)
How long does it take to design a website?
This is a case of how long is a piece of string! I take the time to understand your business and technical requirements as well as the time constraints involved. If you have a deadline you need to hit, there are always options to deliver less functionality or design fidelity to accommodate a fast launch.
How much does web design cost?
If you’ve got this far down the page you probably know the answer I’m going to give you here. It depends! 🙂 … The cost depends on the amount of work involved and the time it’ll take to get the outcome you desire. My sites generally start around 10k but sometimes they cost less upfront and then I work with you on an ongoing digital roadmap to smash the goals we set out to achieve.
Are you based on the Central Coast?
Actually no, but I was for a very long time. I went to school on the Central Coast and lived there in my twenties. I founded a web design agency called Big Click Studios until I decided to move overseas to expand my skillset. Im based in the Southern Highlands and work with clients all over Australia and the world.